In business since 1993


BlazeBlock is a specially designed nontoxic, water absorbing gel that can be rapidly applied to buildings and other assets to help protect them from bushfires and ember attacks.

Water absorbing gels have been used for over 20 years to fight bushfires all around the world in both aerial and on the ground applications with extremely high success in minimising property damage as well as working as a fire break.

BlazeBlock is the next generation absorbent polymer gel with remarkable adhesion properties used in bushfire domestic asset protection, designed to protect your property from Bushfires and Ember attacks. The super water absorbent polymer has an extremely high degree of protection against live embers. The fire resistant and non toxic properties of the gel make it well suited to protecting gardens and gutters as the gel stops dry leaf litter from catching alight. The insulating properties of the gel drastically reduce the likelihood of glass panels, solar panels and skylights from cracking, allowing embers to enter the house potentially resulting in internal house fires. The gels adhesive properties means it can also be applied to vertical surfaces such as fences and external walls protecting them from embers that may cause them to catch fire. The gels excellent water absorbing and retaining properties means that it can be applied to a surface hours before the fire arrives allowing the occupants to evacuate and have the property remain protected.